Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Slaaneshi Chaos Marines - Terminators

The first squad is complete. Now all I need to do is get my hands on some Tyranid bits for when I base them.

1 comment:

  1. Right: after a good look:

    The robes are GREAT,
    What I suggest you do is mix up a little of a colour almost exactly like the mid point on the robes and line highlight all the termies with it. If you think that will be too red (which it may be), you will have to find another colour to do it with IMO.
    Overall the purple is looking too flat, which is a damn shame given the time and effort you have put into it.

    Also, you need a more focused colour in the eyes. I am thinking maybe Scorpian Green to give it a real contrast 'bang'.

    Umm, maybe also give the skulls the tiniest amount of skull white on the highest high points, and i mean like a 1/2 mm long line. Just on the eye ridges etc. Maybe also do this to the trophy racks and mithril/chainmail on the metal sections.
