Friday, February 18, 2011

Slaaneshi Chaos Marines - Noise Marine Assembly (Work In Progress)

It's been a long time coming, but I've all but finished assembling my long planned Noise Marine squad. I've used Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard torsos, Forgeworld MK II and MK III heads and gargoyle heads and Dirge Casters from the Chaos Space Marine Vehicle Accessory sprue. Everything else is from the standard Chaos Space Marine box.

I'm hoping to get my hands on some wire tomorrow so I can add some cabling to the sonic weaponry so as to finish them off.

The photos below show the work so far. Obviously some of the models need a bit more cleanup before painting can begin.

Noise Champion with Doom Siren

Noise Marine with Blast Master

Noise Marine with Sonic Blaster

Noise Marine with Sonic Blaster

1 comment:

  1. After explaining a bit about the chaos gods, roles, and whatever he said he liked Slaanesh because of the Noise Marines.
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